Monday 17 September 2012

PT Exams + Deadlift 1RM Testing

1RM testing for deadlits

Bar 2x10
40KG 1x3
60KG 1x3          
80KG 1x3
 100KG 1x3
120KG 1x2
130KG 1x1
140KG 1x1
150KG 1x1
160KG 1x1 PR 

140KG 1x2
110KG 2x10

box squats
60KG 4x8

incline sit-ups
BW+15KG 4x8

rowing - 400m

 After a crazy last week of getting up at 5.30am every day and only getting 4-6hrs sleep a night I got into the gym today to do some deadlifts  160 flew off the ground, after really struggling with form the last few weeks this was probably my best lift in ages. Pretty sure I could have got 165 if I had gone for it but tbh am feeling totally beat up right now and am desperate for a deload.
I have started to do box squats in the WSB style for 2 reasons
1. It will help me to sit back when I am Low Bar squatting, reinforcing good technique
2. After trying to do some Glute Ham Raises I def need to work on my Hamstring strength

Yesterday I did the first part of my Level 2 REP's personal training, the guy who took it was 50+ and about 20 yrs out of date regarding his training+nutrition. He criticised everything I did including squatting too low (for him quarter squats are ideal) and telling me my bench grip was far to narrow and needed to be at a right angle to the bar. Basically I have to suck it up and just do what he says in order to pass my practical exam this weekend but it is fairly demoralising seeing this part of the industry that just spews poor information to people.
Had to design a training routine and coach someone, I tried to explain to my coach that I had just done 1+ week on squat+bench and was doing deads tomorrow but he proceeded to make me do a full resistance workout with my usual weights which wasn't exactly ideal 
Anyway enough whinging I have 1+ OHP tomorrow and then begins my deload, for the first time ever I really cannot wait, gonna spend the rest of the day reading and in bed.......
Currently reading this and would recommend

Weight - 175.5bs (+4lbs from creatine so far)
Macros – 500Carb / 78Fat / 210Protein 



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