Monday 6 August 2012

Hammer + Pride = This Morning

Hammer + Pride = This Morning

So I had a conversation today with a Strength & Conditioning and Powerlifting coach/trainer who has amazing credentials and loads of years training experience. The end result was basically being laughed at, see below:


Hey did you decide what programme you wanted to run?
Yeah I decided to run Sheiko 29
Wow really? I'm sorry but thats an awful idea
Oh why?
I have guys with 1400lbs+ totals (Squat+Bench+Deadlift Numbers) that I wouldn't put on Sheiko due to the insane volume of it. Honestly I wouldn't go on that until you've been training for 3+ years and have already tried other programmes. The problem with Sheiko isn't in Week 1/2 but in Weeks 3 and 4 your CNS is so fried that you are very likely to injure yourself. Not only this but you have never done a high volume routine and with Sheiko you have basically jumped into one of the highest volume routines possible.

The thing is I have always been unbelievably competitive about everything in life and when someone tells me that this thing is too hard for you / your not ready for it all I want to do is try it and beat it. This is probably what I have done here with starting Sheiko tbh with you, I have read how crazy intense it is and how loads of people don't finish it and all I wanted to do was beat it to prove that I could, even if I did finish it the point is that this routine is not OPTIMAL for what my current goals/training are. Therefore, I am going to put a stop to it and re-start it in maybe a year or 2. I have not been defeated by Sheiko more I feel I have won over my ego. But you better believe when I try this again I will be far more prepared for it :)

In terms of what is next I am not sure, I am gonna have a chat with a couple of people online and see what they would recommend for me. The programme will evolve around the big 3 lifts and will be far more simple, most likely a linear approach whereby I just keep adding weight to the bar.

In the gym today I did some HIIT training and a kind of leg pump workout e.g Leg Extensions + Leg Curls + Calves + Abs. I also did some squats with the bar on my back + Good Mornings. My lower back did tighten up toward the end of the session so I ended it early but all in all I think I am ready to start squatting again / not deadlifting on Wednesday.

I hate Bank Cards

The day then got massively worse as I left my wallet at home but bought with me one of my brand new unused bank cards. I managed to get the PIN wrong 2x and when it asked if I would like to try again I gambled and sadly lost :( I phoned the bank and apparently they reset my PIN after the last time I lost my all my bank cards which I did not know.

Now for anyone who knows me I do have a bit of a reputation with bank cards and losing them (my record is 14 in 1yr) which brings me into some of my theories on life.

Some People cannot be trusted with bank Cards

Sadly there are people for whom it is just too risky to only give them access to their money by a flimsy little breakable/loseable piece of plastic. As if the actual card wasn't enough you then must remember a 4 digit number all of the time, even when drunk, which lets face it is the most important time to have access to money!

People who drive slowly are more dangerous than fast drivers

This is not always a popular one but here goes. If you are driving under the speed limit (significantly) it leads to massive annoyance for the drivers behind who need to get somewhere. This then leads to the driver wanting to go faster making an irrational decision because of someone elses selfish action to drive slowly. The end result usually varies from bad overtaking / accident caused by the driver behind. 

HOWEVER - this is not the case, it is actually the driver in fronts fault because with causality the driver behind had to react to the slow drivers selfish action to drive slowly. Therefore, in the chain of events the slow driver is the first in line in the wrongdoing section!

Some people may disagree with me saying I am biased but to that I say your wrong!


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